Catacomb of Monte Stallone in Formello (RM)
Via della Villa, 101 - 00060 Formello RM
Opening Time
It is possible to visit the catacomb by request in the Agro Veientano Museum of Formello
Tel: +39 06 90194240-239
Sito web:
Annual closing
Discovery in the 60s of last century, the catacomb is accessed from the east side of the hill Monte Stallone.
The Hypogeum has five short tunnels and a cubicle mainly occupied by graves at burial niche; also the walk floor was used for burials. The tombs were sealed by tiles or bricks and mortar and the wall surfaces were coated with a layer of simple white or colored plaster.
The general characteristics of the monument refer to the fourth century, with a continuity of life that reaches up to the fifth century.